
Thursday, 11 August 2016

BFG Movie

Last term  our literacy teacher Mr Wiseman read to us a Roald Dahl's book called the BFG. Yesterday our literacy class and some other children that have been working hard in there class, went to watch the recently realesed Movie BFG. 

I thought the movie was Scary at the Start and then got scary when the BFG took sophie from her window and then got scary because of the other mean giants names were ............ The Fleshlumpeate, The Manhugger , The Meatdripper, The Childchewe, The Butcher Boy,The Maidmasher,The Bonecruncher and The Gizzardgulper. But I felt sorry for Sophie because she lost her paerents when she was little and she lived in a orphanage with mean people and she did not like the orphanage because she dreamed about the boogy Man. Then when it got to the end I felt it funny because how they was drinking frobscottle and when they drank it they farted. 

The book was really boring because it did not have that much details and was not scary that much and in the book it did not say that there was a boy that had a red jacket and the little boy died and got eaten by the maidmasher. The movie was better because it was more intresting and It was scarier and That I thought the BFG was a ninja because how he was hiding alot from the other people. Then at the end Sophie got adopted my the Queen and then everyone was the BFG's friend and the all likd a drink called Frobscottle. Also the BFG was growing a garden at the Castle............

My favourite charcter was the BFG because  he was nicer than the other Giants and he was nice to sophie and cared about her and Sophie also cared about the BFG and says like why would you let them beat you up. So I really like the movie BFG and I will go and see it again. I hope we all really liked  the movie. If I was to rate the movie I will rate it a 10 and the book a 1.

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