Wenesday,July 1st 2015 Creative Writing
Titian Goes to Work and he is 27yrs old.Angelina stays home and is 32yrs old.Ella Goes to school and is 5yrs old.The Scary ape is 40rs old and goes around kidnapping people.
When Titian is at work and Ella is at school this guy comes and say come with me Ella says NO but the ape takes Ella buy the hand and takes her.
Ella starts screaming MUM!!!!!! & DAD!!!!!!! HELP!!! the mum and dad can’t hear her,so the neighbours hear Ella.The Neighbours say give me her or I will ring the police.
The ape did not give ella.So the Neighbours rang 111 the police.They said they will be on there way.What is wrong little girl say a girl that is the police.This Scary man kidnapped me from school.I said No I do not wan’t to come but he grabed me by the arm.
Then at the End the ape is nice.Then they live happily ever after.